Your Weekly Styler Shopper: Military Olive Classy Rough ft Anne Hathaway

Hi lovelies!

So I am going to get back into my regular posting schedule! The moving was done last weekend and it kicked my behind real bad. We have a lovely brand new place but hard part was we are on the 3rd floor. Yup this place got sold out real quick before they even finished constructed the buildings so we got the last one available. I recorded my last haul video in my last apartment that is in desperate need of some editing and will hopefully go up soon so watch out for that!

Valentines Day was meh for me not that I care alot about such events to me its about being together, having awesome dinner and dressing up but I was at work all day and then had class till 10pm. I picked up some delicious dinner on my way back from class so we enjoyed that in our apartment which to me still feels like some fancy hotel when I wake up in the morning.

So the last I posted my Weekly Style shopper we were goings nuts with oxblood and reds but guess what? We are making it big this season with Olive green! I am seeing it everywhere! And I couldnt stop oogling this Olive blazer from H&M. Lets hope when I go to the mall next its ready and available for me in my size lol. I wanted this look to be chic yet tough. The blazer and light weight tee brings in the chic part and the olive green, skinny jeans, tough boots and patch of faux leather bring out the toughness! Trust me people will be guessing all night who the mystery lady is that is dressed in such a daring outfit. This is one of the outfits I have done for my foot that I will hope to wear asap once the weather on the east coast gets warmer. Weather is kind of weird here right now we had 52 degrees today after snow yesterday and then we are going to have some more snow tomorrow and sunday…..crazy weather!

    military Chic

Boots: Charlotte Russe on Sale right now – $24.99

Blazer: H&M – $39.95

Skinny Jeans- H&M – $14.95

Tee- Forever 21- $11.80

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