I have got Updates!

Its been months since I last spoke to you all sigh! Things have been insane on my end for a bit. I even missed my one year blogaversary 😦 Oh well thats okay we will make up for the lost time.

But schedule wise things are doing alot better on my end. I have two more weeks of school which is making me sleepless for now. Two projects, two presentations, one 30 paper and one exam and I will be done with my first semester of School. Below are some highlight of my last few months good and bad:

1)Went on our first vacation to the beach. Got really cold the weekend we were there but I did throughly enjoy myself. Found some really brilliant places to eat which I will be sharing with you guys via food posts. For now enjoy this picture of the beach πŸ™‚


2) I am eating healthier than I ever had and I have tons of health snack options to share with you guys. I am going to start making that part of my weekly posting schedule.

3)I witnessed alot of ingnorance first hand, nearly lost it and had to shake my head and walk away. This will probably lead to several posts in the Deep thoughts section.

4) I ran! I finally ran well not for long but I ran for 2 minute the first day, then next day for 5! I am not sure how fast I can pick up my pace and speed but it didnt hurt as bad as I expected! For those of you who are avid runners I know this is nothing but ever since the foot injury I have been dying to run again like I used to back in High School. Used to be the second fastest in my school …I know know been a while :-p



5) And I went crazy shopping. The biggest haul video ever recorded by me will be put soon so stay tuned πŸ™‚



This deserves an explanation: MIA Update!

Hey sweets!

This past week has been pretty insane for me. From work life to personal life things were just going in all sorts of wrong directions. And given the fact that my work life is pretty hectic right now starting 9am in the morning and lasting anywhere from midnight till 2am I didn’t have much time to fix things going wrong except quick thinking on my feet.Hubby got sick, the apartment complex people came to fix the tub spraying the house with chemicals which left a white powdery residue over our entire apartment and furniture. Not to mention no one was allowed to stay in for upto 4 hours so we had to pack the cats and take them to my aunts. My allergies are still out of control but I getting tested again on tuesday so hopefully something will come of it. Hence ofcourse not much time to post but December is here! We finally got a chance to decorate the house last night the tree is up and all the little things I have collected over the years but I am not happy! I think its time I invest alittle more into christmas but also incorporate some personal creative touches. What do you all think?

Here are some cute things I found that I am contemplating tweaking and recreating πŸ™‚


Adding Red ribbon and pine cones to anything white gets it holiday decor ready


Β  This one is goofy and cute for a Christmas Party Bath Tub πŸ™‚


Β Santa Brownie Hats genius!


And my personal fave what is better than creating your own thumbprint Oranament

thumbprint reindeer

Update: Why was I MIA

Hi lovelies!

So I have been extremely sick since Wednesday. We had this awesome retreat planned for work and I spent the entire day having fun with our amazing coworkers! We took our Myers Briggs Personality test and I found out my type! ENFJ all the way! Let me know what type are you?

We did some fun activities for everyone to understand how EVERY SINGLE person in this world is needed! Rest of the day was spent doing Improv workshop! All in all Fun fun fun! Well what can you say when the planners were three amazing young bright women including yours truly yes yes I am tooting my own horn here lol. But I came home with a severe headache and developed fever that night 😦 Had to call out of work two days in a row which was depressing but I tried to do whatever I could from home…yes yes bad habit but I feel I’d keep thinking about work if I don’t atleast finish up a few things. But I am planning a change….stress free change! Maybe that should be part of my blog? Things I do or things we all can do get rid of stress or small habit changes we all need to ward off stress from life. Let me know what you think?

Anyhow long story short I was awarded with a blanket term for my illness “Viral Syndrome” cause the doc couldnt figure out what virus it is that I am dealing with it. Oh well by Sunday my fever went down and I did go to work today despite the mild dizziness, head pounding headache and low energy. Oh well it’ll get better in time if I keep believing so lol. So I apologize for the lack of posting I was specially instructed to stay away from computer screens when you are an IT worker and stare at a computer all day long it can turn out be a cause of major stress too!

A New Beginning

Chicly Cute is all about my journey through the world.

I am regularly posting about Fashion tips and tricks, Recipes, Reviews to trendy and delicious or not so delicious food places.

Feel Free to browse, post comments or suggestions! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you.

******Currently on my Mind ******

  • My next food hit up: Tackle Box in Georgetown, D.C
  • Shopping for Spring Dresses and Linen Pants that are all the rave this spring. Check out this pretty dress I am craving.
  • Healthy and delicious options to replace soda or minimize soda from my diet.

***** What’s holding my Interest right now*****

Books: The Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Grey

Music Artist: Dev

Song: Naked by Dev and Enrique Iglesias Recipe