
Positive Inspirations

We must choose our path to success and satisfaction, although we need to build our own identity it is always good to draw positive inspiration from other people. Here are few of my inspirations that made me the person I am today, mentally, physically and spiritually 🙂 Feel free to share yours with me. I would love to read what inspires everyone else.

My Daily Motivation

  I have been asked at least a few times on my blog why do I always choose to wear the same shoes? One of the biggest reason for me to start my own fashion blog was that I wanted to share with the world that you might have a set back or something that brings you down but you have to fight it. You have to wake up everyday with a smile and keep feeling pretty! About 2 and a half years ago I developed a feet ailment called plantar fasciitis. Some lucky people are able to cure it within a year, others not so much. I fall into the latter category hence I can only wear certain doctor certified shoes. The first year was very hard. I didn’t want to get dressed, I didn’t wear dresses cause I thought they will look funny with my clogs. I looked at all other pretty ladies outsides and felt like I would never be able to get to that point again. But as the months progressed I had to clear my head. Learn that you are who defines your style your fashion and you should love yourself no matter what! Feet are the most important part of our body. If you break an arm you can avoid using it. Feet? not so much. You have to walk and stand on them. So Ladies always give your feet rest after wearing heels and flats…yes I said it flats! I developed my issue cause I have a high arch and I was shoving my feet into some cute flats on a regular basis.  Today I put my pretty clothes on with a smile on my face, knowing that it is me who makes the outfit not my shoes 🙂 So whatever set backs you have, dont let them bring you down. Keep going and trust me you’ll feel much better down the road 🙂

My Style Icon

Eva Longoria is my fave style icon. I fell in love with her when I first spotted her on Desperate Housewives. Always wearing the best clothes and the perfect hair. Later on the more I learnt about the hardships of her early life I became even more inspired by this amazing lady.  She is bubbly, fun and fierce all at once.  She became successful actress at a later age then most average actors which also makes me conclude that you can be successful at any point in time, you just have to keep trying.  I am  not talking about being successful on tv or movies. I am talking in general. You should never give up on your dreams.

My Super Hero

I was never into super heroes growing up but after much pushing and pulling I watched the Captain America movie that came out this year (2011). And for once in my life I felt I could connect to a super hero! I could relate to the little scrawny guy who kept being laughed at and constantly rejected cause of his lack of manly muscles. But miraculously one day he becomes stronger and saves the world. In most ways his ideals matched mine. I don’t want fame or people praising me. I wish to save the world or people in one way or the other. If I touched one person’s heart my life would end satisfactorily. I live by principles and rules, I believe in greater good and showing mercy as well as forgiveness. If they won’t forgive you doesnt mean you have to do the same.


6 thoughts on “Inspirations

  1. Hello and thank you so much for visiting my blog and reading some of the stories. I’m very impressed with the layout and content here! You’ve inspired me to update and cheer up my blog so look for some changes in the new month!

    • Some of the stories are very interesting. I haven’t had a chance to fully look around but I did see the monster kitty 🙂 I will be stopping by often and would love to see the new content that I inspired you with. I feel very touched that I could help in anyway.

  2. Hi! I really love your blog as it has soooo much inspiring posts and you’re so pretty! ❤ I look forward to reading more from you! I really like that you shared this information about yourself on this page, I thought it was a great idea. =)


    • That is so sweet of you to say that. It really made my day to hear this. The inspirational and motivational posts have been lacking lately due to me being overly busy with work and school but I promise you I haven’t run out of steam yet. There is alot more that I need to say. So stay tuned for more 🙂

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