
My dream is to have a space where women learn from each other and teach each other the importance of always putting yourself first, being comfortable in your own skin and no matter how hard or challenging life gets making sure to not let go of the beauty that they held close to their heart growing up.

My background in IT persuaded me to create a space which is mainly feminine to balance out my days filled with machines.In my male dominated profession most women get lost in the cargo pants and polo shirts attire.

Having lived in several different parts of the world I have picked up a picky palate that is always seeking authentic recipes and Restaurants as well as being on top of the fashion know how.

I aspire to make a positive dent in this world before I depart forever, touching even a few people positively in my life time would be a success I would cherish forever.

“Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” – Louis E. Boone

46 thoughts on “About

  1. Sis- This is a terrific concept and such a well constructed site! I love how you’re dedicating this to feminine beauty and happiness. ..I can’t wait to follow along with you weekly. Consider me your loyal reader.

    “Tackle Box” in D.C. is pretty good. Win loved the fish tacos! πŸ˜‰

    • Thanks Sis! Hopefully other ladies will join in and help us grow and build a stronger community on my blog! It’s time women realize they are pretty in no matter what shape, form or color they are! We should all be celebrated!

  2. Terrific thoughts, indeed! Great Chiclycute, I love your blog and I’m glad I bumped into it πŸ™‚ To build a feminine community is a wonderful aim to remind women not tu fight neither compete between each other, but to join each other forces to do something good, to learn from each other and to believe in oursleves. As you say, no matter where we live and who we are: every different culture simply enlarges the others’ point of view and makes them grow and become better.

    • Thanks hun! I totally agree that women need to get together instead of being each others competitions. It honestly saddens me when women back talk about each other just out of sheer jealousy!

    • Thanks for following my blog Shimmeshine! And I am so glad to run into a like minded girl πŸ™‚ Yeah we would be such a happy world if the whole jealousy issue could be wiped out! And guess what else is alike about us? You said you want to be a butterfly and fly high on your page. I on my gravatar profile have something similar up on the lines of wanting to be a feather and flying in the wind carefree πŸ™‚ haha

    • Thanks Hun! I had a few seconds at work to check out your blog! Japan! Pretty amazing! We had a major storm on the east coast of the US alot of places have no power and i am out of internet I will hopefully have my internet back and spend some more time looking at your blog!

  3. Hi, just found your blog and you’re such a lovely blogger!! You’re so sweet and beautiful. β€œWhat a beautiful and inspiring visit. On this New Year I wish this year be the best year by far, and may this year bring with it endless joy and happiness. Happy New Year 2013.

    • Thank you so much for the kinds words! Its people like you that put a smile on my face everyday and make me work harder on each post! Hope you had a great start to your New Year as well πŸ™‚

  4. Great concept for a blog!
    Yes, we certainly need to encourage Sisterhood and, there are some of us out there actually doing it.
    Continue to voice it and you’ll find your tribe.
    All the best

    • Haha no its not spamming at all. I am very pleased that you think so highly of my blog πŸ™‚ I have so far 3 that need posting πŸ™‚ will get to it at some point this month. And I love love love your blog…just cause I have been MIA doesnt mean I havent been reading πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Dear….
    Thanks for liking my post,….
    loved your blog very much… and so following you now…
    really loved your concept… especially this…”no matter how hard or challenging life gets making sure to not let go of the beauty that they held close to their heart growing up.”… keep up the great work girl….

    Loads of Love..


  6. So love your thoughts and how well you have put it. So glad I came across your blog πŸ™‚ following you. Do visit my space and follow me if you like what you see πŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much Dan for your kind words! And ofcourse thank you for the follow. You have an amazing blog and I plan to explore it a little bit more in the next few days. Congratulations on the new addition to your family and the pictures you took of the English countryside are amazing!!!

      • Thanks so much for your kind words as well πŸ™‚ You have an amazing style and a great platform. Best Wishes πŸ™‚

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I really appreciate it! We only have two IT men at the company I work at, so it’s nice to hear of some fashionable woman presence in the industry! XO

    • Thank you Jennifer. Your kind words mean alot. Haha yes IT world is filled mostly with men but this trend is finally changing. I spent some time exploring your blog and love your posts. I will be coming back for more πŸ™‚ Keep up the good work

  8. It’s hard to find your blog in google. I found it on 20 spot,
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    • Thanks for your advice Carina. I blog as a hobby and the friends I have made online are more for a positive lifestyle for them and me. I am not looking to get famous or popular but if I ever need that, I will surely seek your expertise πŸ™‚

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