Mens Fashion: Cropped and Rolled up Pants are in this Summer

When we talk about Capri Pants or Cropped pants everyone by default assumes we are talking about Female clothing but guess what Guys and Gals Cropped pants are the in thing for men to wear this Summer. Don’t want to shell out Money for cropped pants cause you aren’t sure if you will like the look on yourself then go ahead try the Rolled up Pants option… which is literally just taking any of your fave pair of pants or jeans and rolling up like you are about to stroll down a beach!

A little History lesson: Cropped Pants are a major fashion LIKEΒ  in Asian Countries. Korean and Japanese Celebrities have sported them on numerous occasion like they are just some ordinary pair of pants and of course why would the general population hold back then? And as I write this out right now they are everywhere in Europe and America on Fashion Runways , in stores and on the street! So guys dont miss out on this alternative to wearing full length pants or shorts.

Scroll to the bottom of the post if you are interested in buying a pair πŸ™‚ I have selected a few that I loved!

I never said we couldn’t Roll up some dress pants πŸ™‚

And the Jeans can go even higher!

If you are the semi formal type we have something for you too!

Here are some celebs rocking the Cropped and Rolled up Pants!

Josh Harnet

If Beckham does it so should we after all he is a major fashion icon!

Aww and how can we forget Taylor Lautner

Feeling Ready here are links to get a pair of your own πŸ™‚

H&M Chino Pants $24.95

Prana Nemesis Knicker Charcoal $70.00

UnderGear Cargo Capri Pants $36.00

4 thoughts on “Mens Fashion: Cropped and Rolled up Pants are in this Summer

  1. I personally had a love hate relationship with alot of this trend. I hated the actual capri length pants. Thats been a European thing for years and its just bizarre looking. I did like the somewhat shortened hem pants…with like dock shoes or oxfords and no socks.

    • I personally prefer the cuffed look too on guys unless they are pretty loose and comfy like linen and they are out in some hot climate or at the beach in flip flops πŸ™‚

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